My Child At School APP
Welcome to St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School. Our only method of home to school communication that we use is via a parent App called ‘My Child at School’ (MCAS). This is the way that we send communications, share information and will also be the way that you can book Parents’ Evening appointments and pay for Breakfast Club, trips and visits.
To facilitate this, we will shortly send out an email invite from ‘My Child at School’ to the email address we have on record for you, therefore, if you have recently changed your email address please let the school office know as soon as possible. Please be aware that if it does not appear in your inbox it may have gone into your junk folder. The email will contain a link to the Parent Login screen, where you will need to follow the link to open the ‘Create Your Password’ screen and set up your account.
In order to remain up to date with school communications, it is essential that all parents and carers sign up to the MCAS App on a smartphone or home computer as soon as possible.
How to Access MCAS Parent App
The app is available to download from the Apple or Google Play stores for use on iPhones or Android smartphones accordingly. Simply search for and follow the instructions for installation on your phone. Once downloaded an appropriate MyChildatSchool App will appear. For first use tap the tile, then the home screen and complete the security sections when prompted.
The app will appear as below (to ensure you download the correct one).
Booking Afterschool Club (wraparound care icon)
Please note that parents of students in receipt of Pupil Premium and those using Childcare vouchers will now book Afterschool Club via this new App.
Pupil Premium will appear as PP and Childcare Vouchers as CV under the Wraparound Care tab